Tuesday 25 September 2007

Making a Start

Blogging is for me a totally new experience.

However, so many people have told me that I should get some of my ideas about the attaining, maintaining, and regaining of Mental health into print that I have been persuaded to take the plunge and begin.

Although we grow older, we still retain the child within us and just add learnings, experience, and sometimes gain wisdom.

It might be thought that the more experience one has , the wiser one becomes, but this is not so; experience merely provides us with the opportunity of becoming wiser.

I read somewhere that the Duke of Wellington ( the Victor of the Battle of Waterloo ) was once recommended two officers on the grounds that they were very experienced, and he commented

" That maybe so, but I have two colleagues who have accompanied me throughout the Peninsular campaign in Spain, who are extremely experienced...................
but they are still Mules!"

Now Mules are not unintelligent as fourlegged creatures go, but they are stubborn, obstinate, and in relation to my current point, most damaging of all, they are BLINKERED!

However intellegent we are, in whatever area of our mind we remain blinkered , there we learn NOTHING, and only reinforce our ignorance and prejudices.

Blinkering of the mind is of course an emotional defence against anything we find threatening, and so is logic free, even when it is actually logical. A lovely example of this is a statement I came across somewhere:-

"The Facts although interesting are irrelevent".

This lead me to fantasize a no doubt common , but unconscious thought:-

" Don't bother me with any relevent facts. It only confuses the issue"

Thats all for today folks.

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